
Tea Cake Roll

A Japanese style rolled cake with green tea flavoured cream.

A Japanese style rolled cake with green tea flavoured cream.


2 eggs
6 tbsp sugar
1 tsp matcha
2 1/2 tbsp sencha tea leaves
1/3 cup and 1 tbsp sifted cake flour
apricot jam
3 tbsps apricot or other fruit liquer
1 cup heavy cream
2 tbsps azuki flour


Line a 10×12 inch baking sheet with waxed paper.

Beat eggs in a bain marie, slowly adding only 3 tablespoons of the sugar. Remove from heat, and continue beating until stiff.

Add the green tea and 2 tbsp of sencha to the egg. Mix thoroughly. Fold in the sifted cake flour gently.

Spread evenly on the baking sheet. Bake at 375F on the highest rack for 10 min.

Remove from oven and lay the cake, still on the paper, onto a flat surface on top of a cold and wet towel. Loosen the paper from the cake but don’t remove it.

Combine the jam and liqueur and brush over the cake surface.

Whip the cream to form peaks, and slowly add the remaining 3 tbsps of sugar until the peaks become firm. Seperate 1/3 of the cream into another bowl and add the adzuki flour, stirring well. Spread that over 1/3 of the cake along a long edge of the rectangle. Spread the remaining unflavoured cream on the other 2/3 of the cake, leaving 1/2 inch uncovered at the far end. Sprinkle the remaining tea over the cream.

Roll the cake from the long edge nearest you, and wrap in cleam parchment paper. Rest for 30 minutes.

Slice and serve. A hot cup of matcha or sencha green tea will compliment the flavour of the cake.

2 replies on “Tea Cake Roll”

If one were to make this where would one find Matcha, sencha tea leaves and azuki flour and would you please tell me what matcha is i have never heard of it thanks

Hi Eliza.

You can find all these ingredients in a Japanese or Korean grocery store. Sometimes, Chinese grocery stores also have these ingredients.

Matcha is high quality green tea that comes in powdered form.

However, if there’s a problem finding these ingredients in your area, we can get them and ship them to you. You can send payment by PayPal.

Thanks, and happy cooking!

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